Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Testamonial " would not have been possible without your help"

Gary, and Barry,
I wanted to thank you for all your help with our Act this past year. We had a great time and it would not have been possible without your help.
Best Wishes,

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Costume "best of show" San Francisco

Hey gang,

This is Barry's costume in full force taking San Francisco by storm!!

My Space Site http://www.myspace.com/lfreyes

Thanks and See Ya!! Luis Reyes

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Testamonial ..thanks for all the support"


Well, I'm a little late getting you this, but we had a great Time doing the act. See enclosed pictures,

Thanks for all you help with the KISS boots, Custumes and all the email support, ideas, etc.

Best Wishes,


PS: I made the boots on my Custume. I'm the guy playing ACE.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Customer testamonial - Kiss Destroyer Costume.


I just want to write and tell you that I couldn’t be more excited about my Destroyer Costume!

At the time I received the Armor and wings I tried it on right away then fine tuned the adjustable buckles and my wife said my grin didn’t relax until I took it off later that night! Of course I had to put my Cod Piece and Demon Head Boots and Leg Scales and took every bit of restrain to keep me way from the make-up!

I had to immediately go on line and check for any activity to debut the complete ‘Gene’ and lucky for me I found the Super Bowl and Pro Bowl Party so I have sent you Pictures of me and local radio DJ’s of 1077 The Bone Lamont and Tonelli and Sully, http://www.1077thebone.com/rockgirl/probowlparty.asp

The response I got from the crowd of party goers were phenomenal! Every one loved it and I got a lot of thumbs up, tongues and “I wanna Rock and Rolls” sung out to me! Some thought I was really Gene and asked me personal questions until I had to clue them in.
So needless to say I Love My Costume Man!!

Looking for a new event,

Luis Reyes

You da man!!